5.4 million  covid shots applied as Panama nears herd immunity

The Expanded Immunization Program (PAI), of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), reported that until Friday at least 5.4 million doses of vaccine against Covid-19 had been applied at the national level.

Of this total 4,695,956 doses of Pfizer and 747,079 of AstraZeneca have been placed.

The vaccination process began in January 2021 and the authorities hope to reach mass immunization between October and November.

Third doses
 The Ministry announced that as of  Monday, September 27, the application of third doses will begin in the province of Los Santos and it is likely that other interior regions will also begin this immunization phase.

It is reiterated that these doses will be given to patients receiving cancer treatment for tumors or blood cancer, those who have received organ transplants and are taking immunosuppressive treatments, those who have received a stem cell transplant in the last two years or are taking immunosuppressive medications, patients with moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency, those with advanced or untreated HIV infection, and those under active treatment with high doses of corticosteroids or other medications that can suppress their immune response.