Minera mineworkers  union rejects moratorium


The Union of Mining Workers of Panama (UTRAMIPA ) affirms that they will defend their jobs, reject any attempt to close the mine, and denounce the attacks and threats that some workers have suffered due to blockades of access to the mine.

In an official statement, UTRAMIPA spoke about the recent sanction of Law 407, which establishes a mining moratorium in Panama.  after rejecting the proposals for popular consultation and repeal of the mining contract.

The decision is based on waiting for a resolution from the Supreme Court on the claims of unconstitutionality presented by some sectors of the citizenry.

UTRAMIPA expresses its concern about the possible consequences of the declaration of unconstitutionality of the mining contract.

Firstly, they pose the risk of serious economic consequences and international lawsuits that could lead the country to face billions in compensation, endangering the financial stability of the State.

This could negatively affect the perception of the country as a reliable destination for private investments and international credit.

Mine workers also face uncertainty regarding the stability of their jobs and the security of their families. In addition to direct employees, thousands of workers from contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and businesses related to the mine are also affected by this situation.

UTRAMIPA emphasizes its firm rejection of any decision, initiative or action that could lead to the closure of its source of employment, which would have a devastating impact on the finances of workers and their families.

At the same time, the group calls on banking entities to consider the possible impact in the event of job losses, and they are urged to be aware of the financial difficulties that this could generate in society.

The statement also highlighted the importance of the mining industry in Panama and the pride of workers in their contribution to the development of the country.

The commitment of mining workers to high environmental, technological, and quality standards in their daily work is recognized.

UTRAMIPA deeply regrets the violence and clashes that have arisen as a result of the situation, as well as the losses suffered by the population in general.

The population is called upon to act reasonably and avoid being influenced by political interests or groups that seek to destabilize the country.

Finally, the attacks and threats that some workers have suffered due to blockades at access to the mine are reported.

UTRAMIPA declares its willingness to defend their jobs and the livelihood of their families in this situation, regardless of the consequences.