Six hantavirus cases one death


So far in 2022, six cases and one death from hantavirus have been registered, according to the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health.

They indicate that, of the six reported cases, five have been classified as hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome and one as hantavirus fever.

The regions mainly affected by the virus have been: the province of Los Santos, which reports five cases, Coclé with one case, and Herrera, which records one death.

They reiterate to the population to strengthen epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, and education measures in the community, as well as prevention and control measures for the disease.

Hantavirus is an acute zoonosis characterized by fever, myalgias, and gastrointestinal disturbances, followed by sudden onset of rapidly evolving respiratory distress and hypotension.

The disease comes in two forms: hantavirus fever, which is the mild (uncomplicated) form, and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS).