Cortizo demands speed-up in Children’s Hospital construction


After touring the construction site of the new Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, April 26, and learning that progress is only 1.5 percent  President Laurentino Cortizo told the company in charge of the project to work more quickly.

The president said that “it is a work that the Panamanian people have waited for more than nine years” and added: “I am interested in this project progressing well and, as an international company, I demand speed in the project.”

For its part, the company in charge of the work indicated that they currently have 60 workers on site, which, in the president’s opinion, is insufficient to advance.

During the inspection, the director of Health Infrastructure, Carlos Candanedo, indicated that the tour “is to validate and demonstrate what, through the assurance inspection by the Ministry of Health, is carried out day by day.”

The initial stage of the project, piloting, is 69% complete, which is important to continue with other activities such as excavations and meet the schedule.

The work, with an initial budget of approximately $443.8 million to be built on Balboa Avenue, was awarded in February 2021 to the Spanish consortium Acciona Construcción, SA The project includes building and equipping the hospital, the parking building, and the restructuring of the gardens.

The work is expected to be partially received in 2024. The initial stage will be the main building with 20 floors and 6 basements for specialized care.