Minsa advises residents near Cerro Patacón to wear a mask

The latest fires in the Cerro Patacón sanitary landfill, in the Ancón district, are generating toxic smoke and The Ministry of Health (Minsa) is advising residents of the surrounding area, to wear a mask to avoid inhaling smoke that affects the respiratory system.

Edwin Aizpurúa, pulmonologist and head of the Tuberculosis program of the General Directorate of Public Health explained that any toxic smoke causes inflammation of the walls of the bronchi, producing a secretion of inflammatory factors (causing a lot of mucus) that lead to respiratory infections..

The people who should use the mask the most are patients who have chronic diseases such as asthma, chronic lung problems, chronic bronchitis and heart conditions, Aizpurúa explained.

According to the pulmonologist, “we must avoid inhaling this smoke in any way, try not to expose ourselves, since it can affect people presenting symptoms such as: difficulty breathing and coughing, so they should go to the center nearest health center to receive adequate care.

He said that any burning of rubber, plastic or any garbage generates a series of irritating particles that affect the respiratory system and the skin. The first accident in Cerro Patacón occurred on February 13 in one of the stages of the sanitary landfill, while the second was reported on February 22, in the used tire storage area.

The fire in the tire warehouse was controlled after three days of work, while the first one took almost a week.

The Urbalia concession covers 132 hectares, but, the contamination generated within the perimeter of the sanitary landfill impacts some 9,000 hectares around it, which includes Camino de Cruces.