When the Panama cab driver gets to join the party


From the Sidelines

If you happen to be one of the disco crown that likes to party the weekend away on Panama’s Amador Causeway, it can be for sobering experience. Taxi drivers want to share in the fun.

The Causeway is designated "Zona Viva"  which means that cab drivers who operate there are allowed to charge much higher fares than in other parts of the city. How Much is Much is not clear.

Managers of partying establishments who supply the music and the booze say the rates, up to $30 for a normal $5 fare are an abuse.

On the other hand some entrepreneurial  cabbies, offer an alternative cheaper service costing $10 to $15. They will ferry cars of merrymakers beyond police road blocks that may have been set up at the entrance to the Causeway, and then re loading the taxis with several drivers to take them past the chance to be breathalyzed.

Taxi drivers claim that customers have grown accustomed to the free enterprise rates. So far  no news of a "gringo price" structure, which works from hotels downtown.

But the transport authority the ATTT  and our tourism promoters may not be happy with what they see as gouging. While there is no oficial taxi association in Amador, the ATTT says taxis should be charging normal rates, and the authority can cancel certificates for drivers who charge rates higher than allowed.

La Prensa says the agency plans to look into the matter to "ensure that regulations are being followed" and that those who think they have been overcharged should make a report.

Just can’t wait to read a report of juiced up disco celebrants driving to a police station to spend  four hours filling in a report form, in between blowing into breathalyzers.

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