CanadaPLUS takes to the water

Out and About with
Dra Lourdes Quijada

A Sunday “exploration” of Lake Gatun and lunch on its only floating hotel is the next offering of Panama’s CanadaPLUS Club.

A hidden waterfall and pool

The six hour adventure, on Sunday, March 20 will start with an eye-opener (champagne and orange juice) as participants board their 24 seat launch, captained by Carl Davis, who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the fauna and wild life surrounding and in the lake, and the work going on to widen the canal.

After the initial tour, which includes visits to Monkey Island, and the exclusive home of a unique family of monkeys that Carl can call his own, the craft heads to the floating hotel for lunch, including drinks, and an introduction to the wild life guests that live at the hotel.
Those who want to continue exploring can board a motorized cayuga and travel under an umbrella of tropical trees to an exclusive micro beach, hidden waterfall, with a pool for swimming or paddling, and a journey through floating vegetation along watery paths cleared by Carl and his team.
If you want to take a more leisurely approach to the day, you can stay behind, have another drink,feed the friendly toucan or relax in one of the many hammocks slung on the upper deck. It’s a blissful experience.
A friendly  house guestThe cost of the trip, including lunch and drinks is $55 for members, $65 for non members. Children over 5 half price. Younger children travel and eat free.
If you don’t want to make the 30 minute drive, along one of the most beautiful tropical roads in Panama transportation on an air conditioned bus to the quay near the Gamboa resort, is available at $10 return.
Reservations will be limited, so it makes sense to book early, at, or call 6619-6890.
Bring your camera for a day to remember. I’ll see you there.

For a report  on a typical exploration day go to

Sharing a hammock and  a meal with an hotel resident

The CanadaPLUS Club was was created to provide a meeting place for all who speak or want to improve their English. Its membership includes residents and visitors from Australia, Canada, the UK, Europe, the U.S.A. and more. Membership is $30 single $50 double, and includes a discount card for special offers in restaurants, boat rentals,, language courses, gift purchases with more. to come. {jathumbnail off}