Dont hide your talent under a shower. Sing along with Cantus Panama

By  Myfanwy Davies

Do you sing in the shower, croon as you sit in a Panama traffic jam, or sing along with the radio when you are working in the kitchen or at your favorite hobby?


Some of the Cantus Chorus reacting to the audience at the Christmas Pot Pourri at Ancon Theatre Guild.

You may not be an undiscovered Mario Lanza, Caruso, Callas, Sutherland or Pavarotti, but you are a potential member of Cantus Panamá Chorus.

The renowned group has been taking a well deserved break after a successful season, wrapping with an outstanding performance at the Ancon Theatre Guild Christmas concert in December.
Now the break is over and with vocal chords ready for tuning up, the Chorus is beginning a new rehearsal season to prepare for another fun-filled concert and they are seeking new members to sing along.
If you have a love of music and have previous choral experience this is your opportunity. Don't forget it doesn't knoc twice. There are no auditions but the group asks that you attend two rehearsals. They take place Wednesdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 p.m. in Quarry Heights.
Contact them to arrange to attend a rehearsal or to get more information. You can reach the director, Kristin Saltonstall at or Michael Cooling at 297-7007 or 6779-3315 .
O out of the shower and add your dulcet tones to the beautiful music of Cantus Panamá. {jathumbnail off}