A 12th Night Revel in Casco Viejo, to top off Christmas festivities

The Entertainment Scene with Zuleira

The  CanadaPLUS Club which started Christmas in Panama with a Carols by Candlelight event in Casco Viejo will close off  the seasonal  celebrations  in the old city with a Twelfth Night Revel.

Some 2,000 people attended the super-successful carols event, but numbers will be limited  to 120 for the Revel, so it’s a case of first come first served and throughout 2011 the Club has delivered a series of outstanding functions.

Twelfth Night is a festival marking the and concluding the Twelve Days of Christmas and is also the day that in some English-speaking countries is the date to remove Christmas decorations  as it is believed to be unlucky to leave them hanging.  

Twelfth Night; or, What You Will is also the title of a  comedy by William Shakespeare written over 400 years ago as aTwelfth Night's entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The title Twelfth Night, or What You Will, prepares the audience for a jovial feel of festivities consisting of  “drink, dance, and giving in to general self-indulgence.” If that’s your bag, move fast to reserve your tickets.

The  reveling will be in the Ballroom of  Casco Viejo’s newly created Magnolia Inn, which will be providing genuinely affordable accommodation for  visiting friends and relatives in the heart of Panama’s World Heritage site. More about that later, but I’m sure you will smile when you hear the price tab.

January 6, is also the anniversary of the founding of the CanadaPLUS club, which has provided successful year round events for its 250 members from 24 countries. The Revel is the first on the list for 2012, with offerings ranging from lake cruising to murder mystery dinner theatre. Members get a discount card giving benefits in many locations and the opportunity for a price-beating  group health insurance plan with BUPA.

The cost of the revel is $20 for advance booking, $25 on the day, but judging by the early demand there is unlikely to be any room on that day.

The event will include an open wine bar, catered snacks with a seasonal flavor, music and great companionship. See you there.

To reserve tickets call 6619-6890 or email clubcanadaplus@gmail.com