Deep Fried Comedy, a laugh with every lick

If you are on a diet kick or just trying to keep those extra pounds away from your tummy line, deep frying might not be a favorite cooking option but what about Deep Fried Comedy (DFC)?

That’s the kind of stage show that spits out laughs with every lick and there’s an ever changing menu.

All of which means that Panama’s DFC team is already gearing up for the opening night, August 8 at the home of the old and distinguished lady of Ancon, the TGA, (Theatre Guild of Ancon).
But there’s nothing old in this Saturday Night Live type sketch show. Every sketch is original with lots of local flavor. No Pnama icons are safe from the team’s verbal cut and thrust.
Melanie Lee Gilpin, Panama’s own Scarlet Pimpernel (here, there and everywhere but still in control,) says that the five members of DFC have moved the into a new level of funny… fast paced sketches, new surprises and even some Improv and audience participation.
The team members are: Melanie Lee, Andres Clemente,Simon Tejeira GianCarlo Benedetti, and Joe Mezquita.

The show will run August 8-28 andmore details of performance dates and booking options will be published next week. Meanwhile check out What’s On.  August promises to be a good month for theatre lovers, with The Science of Murder at a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

The Rocky Horror Show is next on the TGA bill, opening October 17.
Auditions will take place at the TGA Friday, July 27