Funds approved for film of Panama dictator

PANAMA’S ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL has   approved $22, 470 for the production of a television documentary of the former dictator Omar Torrijos Herrera.

According to data published on the website PanamáCompra it will be part of  a proposed package of four historical  films  each valued at $22 470 with a total reference price of $89,880  All four will be produced by the company winning the tender..
The other subjcts are former  President Arnulfo Arias Madrid,Clara González de Behringer, Panama’s first woman lawyer and  creator of,the  Feminist National Party, and Esther Neira de Calvo, founder of the Women’s Patriotic League and the first woman elected as adeputy to National Assembyly

Once the winner is selected, the  production company must submit the documentary in 75 calendar days.
It  must have at least three interviews (a relative, a politician and a sociologist or political scientist) speaking  about the character.

It should include historical images and be filmed in high definition, with Guillermo Ledezma Bridley, director of the Museum of Democratic Culture, co-director of the documentary.