Panama second in regional alcohol consumption

PANAMA has the second-highest rate of alcohol consumption in the region says the World Health Organization (WHO).

Every Panamanian man older than 15 years consumes on average 11.2 liters of alcohol a year, while women drink 4.7 liters. The world consumption average is 9.6 liters in men and 2.9 liters in women.

The report notes that, in the Americas, alcohol consumption is, on average, higher than in the rest of the world.

The leader of the region says the WHO, is Belize, which ranks first per capita among men with 14.5 liters. and 2.5 liters among women. In third place is Nicaragua, where consumption among males is 8.7 liters, and females 1.5 liters.

One in every five drinkers  (20 percent) has episodes of excessive alcohol consumption says the report. The global average, is 16 percent.