Shakespeare on the road to Boquete

The Entertainment Scene with Margot Thomas

THE THEATRE Guild of Ancon,  has been producing plays and musicals   for Panama’s English speaking  community for over 66 years, but this month will be breaking new ground by taking a show on the road.

The expat community of Boquete will get to savor the Complete Works of Shakespeare as interpreted and condensed into 97 minutes   of rollicking, thumb your nose at convention, role switching  action, and speedy costume change, that has  wowed packed audiences in the Guild’s   Ancon  home  over recent weeks.

Directed by Nick Miles, the three man team  of  Adam Herzig, Simon Tejeira and James Mattiace pack all  of the Bard’s plays into a hilarious performance that involves the audience, and  re-awakens memories of the days when you memorized  some of the famed speeches in the hope of making your grades in English Lit.

Now, in the true tradition of  on-the-road rep theatre the TGA is Boquete bound where they will find an appreciative audience.

The performance will be at the  Valle Escondido Resort Hotel Saturday, March 26, at 5:00 pm

Tickets are on sale in or e




If you’re in Panama and  haven’t seen it yet there’s still time, with the final performances set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 17-19 at 8pm. You can purchase tickets on the website of the Guild or at the theater box office.