Free Childrens Weekend includes mom and dad

Entertainment with  Margot Thomas

CHILDREN’S DAY (Sunday July 17)  will become Children’s Weekend   in Panama City with free activities across the capital, in locations ranging from  the Bio Museum to Parque Omar, The Canal Museum and the Obarrrio  Athanasiou, and the kids can take mom and dad along too.

Attractions  provided by the Municipality include rides, jumping and artists on stage. starting at the  Amador Convention Center on Friday and moving to to the Cultural and Recreational Parque Omar on Sunday.

Entertainment will be from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm daily.

The National Concert Association (ANC) will present a Concert for Kids, by Children’s Orchestra Music Camp ANC and the Youth School of Music, made up of musicians from 7 to 14 years of age at the local Obarrio Athanasiou on Saturday from 4:00 p.m.

During the activity the fundraising campaign will also present “Donating is a note,” says,  Athanasiou marketing manager Janin Gaston

Panama’s celebrated Biomuseo  kids’ wonderland has activities on  Saturday and Sunday  titled “ A Bridge of giants’’, with  stories, games and painting pieces showing  how the Isthmus of Panama was formed and served as a bridge for animals as they crossed between North and South America;

“One thousand bugs, is  a search for “the little people” of Panama’s  Botanic Park to watch them in their habitat.

A Pokémon walk in the museum linked  the Pokemon video game, and an explanation of  how some Panama species really  resemble some Pokemones joins the past and present in an exciting and educational activity.

All activities are free, but with limited capacity, says  Alberto Gualde, press officer at the Biomuseo. To reserve  email

The Interoceanic Canal Museum, in Casco Viejo  will provide a “follow the clues” hunt  on Sunday  July 17, from 9:00 am to 1200 noon, to find  hidden “treasures” in place.

Participation is free for all.