Thanksgiving, Carols, and a helping hand

By Margot Thomas

THE Panama based CanadaPLUS Foundation has released the dates of its two major events of the year, raising funds for a special project for The Hospital Del Nino.  but is urgently in need of volunteers to ensure their success.

The Foundation  which began as the CanadaPLUS Club  8 years ago, has since then raised thousands of dollars  for  local institutions, and provided  dozens of social events, from lake cruises to Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, and seasonal celebrations  for supporters and friends, from 25 countries  and en route  has introduced some $2 million into the local economy and benefited scores  of supporters with access to  discounted health insurance.

Among those who have benefited from the fund raising activities are; Hogar  Malambo, Santo Tomas  Hospital, Hospital del Nino  Vision of Hope, TheNational Ballet and Fundacion Calicanto.

The upcoming events are  Canadian Thanksgiving  Celebration at the Wyndham Hotel, Albrook Mall, on Saturday October 7 which will also mark Canada’s 150th celebration of  Confederation, so expect a very special event. Tickets are already on sale Donation   $75 and $65  those registered as members of the “Club”. More  details to come but for early bird reservation (by, Sep 3) with a $5 discount call: 6619-6890 or email

Carols by Candlelight, is the annual  Christmas charity concert on the Cinta Costera, where the audience becomes part of the show waving souvenir candles and joining with the performing choirs in the singing of seasonal favorites. An outstanding line up of choirs is already in place. For this year’s  event on Saturday, December 2, with over  200 reserved seats already committed.

2018 will kick off with Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre and a “Rock Back the Clock”  birthday celebration. But here’s the rub:

All of the events involve detailed planning and hands-on support.  While the Foundation usually manages to enroll boots, sneakers, or Guccis on the ground, for the events, it is really in need of planning support from people with ideas and the ability to help make them a reality.

So if you can spare the time to become part of a small organizing group, meeting initially once a month, you will be more than welcomed by the overstretched tiny team that has kept the events on track over the years.

The first briefing is scheduled for Wednesday, August 30, in Bella Vista. If you are  a potential volunteer (worth more than  10 pressed men) call 6619-6890 or email foundationcanadaplus@gmail, com