MOP Beams Disappeared Under the Facade of Projects in Favor of Communal Councils

The judge of guarantees Erick Méndez charged the alleged commission of the crime of aggravated embezzlement and ordered the preventive detention of the former representative of Veracruz, Ronald Alberto González, and the former official of the Social Security Fund, Víctor Pittí who is shown above, in relation to the scandal over the disappearance of 600 H-type beams, property of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP).   Judge Méndez justified his decision due to the seriousness of the crime and the significant damage caused to the community, as well as the responsibility of both defendants, who, as public servants, should have guaranteed the effective custody of state assets.  During a hearing that began at 9:00 am Friday September 27 at the judicial offices of Panama West, anti-corruption prosecutors Anilú Batista and Adela Cedeño revealed that both defendants had active participation in the theft and sale of the MOP beams, which as will be recalled were originally destined for the repair of the Las Américas Bridge.

The evidence collected by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation of the loss of 600 beams, 45 feet long and weighing 2,854 pounds each, from the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) yard indicates that the plan was hatched as early as April 2024.  According to prosecutors, plans to steal the beams in Farfán, Arraiján district, West Panama province, happened in this manner.  Ronald Alberto González, pictured above, requested 60 beams from the MOP as a donation for the Veracruz Communal Council, claiming that they would be used in the construction of a bridge in the community of La Represa, a project that was never carried out.  In addition to the complaint filed by the MOP on September 5 for the loss of the beams, another was filed against former Minister Rafael Sabonge, accused of neglecting his duties as a public servant.  

For their part, defense attorneys Aníbal García and Carlos Herrera Delegado, who are pictured above, appealed Judge Méndez’s decision.  Thus, the date for the appeal hearing was set for October 10, at 8:30 am, before the Superior Court of Appeals.  Both García and Herrera Delegado had requested the application of precautionary measures other than preventive detention, pointing out that their clients have health problems that cannot be treated in a penitentiary center.  Both former officials appeared voluntarily before the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office on Wednesday afternoon and made themselves available to the authorities.