Playa Blanca Reveals Serious Violations of Current Environmental Regulations

The Ministry of Environment announced this Sunday, September 22, that a recent analysis carried out by the Environmental Quality Laboratory in a tourism project in Playa Blanca, a district of Río Hato (Coclé), has revealed serious violations of current environmental regulations.  According to the entity, after the complaint about possible wastewater discharges in the area, technicians detected “high levels of contaminants” that violate six measures established in the Environmental Impact Study.  For example, the results show deficiencies in the proper management of the sanitation system, of rainwater, as well as in the disposal of solid waste and the control of hydrocarbons, which puts the integrity of the local ecosystem at risk.  Failure to comply with these measures not only affects the natural environment, but also calls into question the social and environmental responsibility of the tourism project, according to the findings of the Ministry of the Environment. 

The authorities have announced that they will require the company involved to implement the necessary corrective measures, and that these must be assumed by the company responsible. This action aims to mitigate the damage and avoid a greater impact on the area.  In parallel, an administrative process has been initiated against the company, as part of the corresponding legal actions for the violation of environmental regulations. This measure seeks to set a precedent on the importance of compliance with environmental laws in tourism and development projects in the country, according to reports. 

“We reiterate to business owners that it is their duty to comply with environmental regulations, and that failure to do so will result in the appropriate administrative and criminal proceedings,” the Ministry of the Environment stated on its social media.  Environmental authorities have stressed the crucial importance of conserving natural resources in areas of high tourist value, such as Playa Blanca. This destination is famous for its long stretch of white sand that merges with the waters of the Farallon River, attracting both tourists and nature lovers.  However, the recent report of wastewater discharges at the site has alerted environmental institutions, which have begun an inspection to assess the impact on the area. Playa Blanca is not only a tourist attraction, but also has significant ecological value, being a vital habitat for various species.