A Company Called OCEA Proposed a Shipyard to Service Vessels Passing Through the Panama Canal

Yorgo Hernández pictured left, and Karin Volot manager of the subsidiary in Panama in the center, are together with the Minister of Commerce and Industry of Panama, Julio Moltró, on the right

500 direct jobs were offered to the Minister of Commerce and Industry (MICI), Julio Moltó, who held a meeting this week with representatives of Ocea, a shipbuilding company, which seeks to invest in the installation of a shipyard in Panama for the maintenance and construction of ships.  The Ocea delegation, led by engineer Yorgo Hernández, director for the Americas, and Karin Volot, manager of the subsidiary in Panama, highlighted the advantages that the country offers, such as its strategic location on key maritime routes, tax-exempt free zones, modern infrastructure and incentives such as the Law on Headquarters of Multinational Companies (SEM).