Panama City Hall Organizing Beach Cleanup for Ocean Month

As part of Oceans Month, the Mayor’s Office of Panama City, together with the Ministry of Environment, Adopta Bosque and the Juan Díaz Communal Board, will carry out an important clean-up day at the mouth of the Juan Díaz River.

The activity will take place on Saturday, September 21, starting at 8 am, and all interested citizens and volunteers are invited to join this environmental cause, recommending the use of comfortable clothing and sun protection.

This initiative seeks to reduce the impact of solid waste in critical areas such as the Cinta Costera, Costa del Este, by promoting awareness about marine pollution as well as the registration of marine plastics worldwide, always maintaining the emphasis on poorly disposed waste and its serious impact on human health and biodiversity.

The action, which also seeks to highlight the importance of coastal ecosystems, is part of a broader effort to promote public policies that address the problem of waste in the oceans. With this activity, the Mayor’s Office of Panama reaffirms its commitment to the environment and sustainability, joining a global cause that seeks to preserve the health of the oceans and guarantee a cleaner future for future generations.

Citizen participation is key to achieving significant change and raising awareness about the need to protect our natural resources.