La Niña in Chiriquí is Being Analyzed by Authorities and Food Producers

Staff of the Ministry of Environment (MiEnvironment) and the Ministry of Agricultural Development of Panama (MIDA), in coordination with the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Panama (Imhpa), met with rice producers in the province of Chiriquí to analyze the weather conditions, especially the expected variability due to the phenomenon from La Niña.  Through these meetings, authorities want to be certain that rice producers and other sensitive crop producers, understand climate conditions and variations expected for the last four months of the year, so that they can plan their agricultural activities adequately, minimizing setbacks.  In addition, it was noted that if producers are prepared and know how to cope with the climate, they will be able to implement better fertilization practices and optimize management of sowing and harvest times, which would help avoid declines in productivity and yields.  According to the directors of the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, the “La Niña Phenomenon” is currently going through a neutral stage, but it is expected to intensify in the coming months, especially in late December and early January, with an increase in rainfall. They pointed out that, following these plans and by adapting to climate change, the chances of better harvests will increase.  Authorities and producers will continue analyzing the impact of the Phenomenon of La Niña in Chiriquí until they understand the weather patterns completely and make educated crop and farming decisions.