600 Drug Packs Seized in a Van after Panama Shoot-Out.  1329 Kilos of Cocaine Seized in a Speedboat

Two people were arrested and brought to a hearing.  The drugs were found inside a panel-type vehicle that was abandoned near a shopping center in Cerro Viento area.   Some 600 packages of drugs were found inside a panel car near the Metromall shopping center, located in the district of Rufina Alfaro, San Miguelito district.  This seizure was carried out after a citizen reported an exchange of gunfire between several individuals, who were apparently trying to seize the narcotics.

More than three tons of drugs have been seized by authorities in operations carried out in the provinces of Colón, Panama, Panama Oeste and Coclé.  The second seizure was when officials from the National Aeronautical Service (Senan) seized a shipment of 1,329 kilos of cocaine that were being transported in a speedboat near the Guna Yala archipelago.  The seizures were carried out in ports in the province of Colón.  Operations were also carried out in Panama Oeste and Coclé.  In the operation, six people who were transporting the drugs were arrested. The case was placed in the hands of the Drug Prosecutor’s Office of Colón and Guna Yala for the investigation process.