OPINION: Renewing self esteem

After months of preparation and more than a week of events that included social work, artistic meetings and religious activities, yesterday the World Youth Day concluded in our country, with the active participation of thousands of Panamanians who got involved in different ways to make possible the most important mass meeting of our recent history. There are many messages and lessons of intangible value, which align with the true definition of “success” on which it is worth reflecting, especially when we do not have to renew our authorities. The main ones have to do with our self-esteem and our sorrows. How good it was to see that tide of young faces, of such diverse languages ​​and cultures, walking, dancing, interacting in our streets, regardless of skin color, nationality or social condition! All connected with life. These guys appropriated, for example, the public space that we had gradually yielded. It’s good that the authorities -even with the blackout test- can make public services work more efficiently! One of the challenges as a nation is to convert the call of Pope Francis to abandon the indifference that corrodes us as a society in a kind of gadfly that stings us every time we fall asleep and renounce hope. A better country is always possible.-LA PRENSA, Jan.28