OPINION: Vigilance needed for Panama judges


Any person who considers himself aggrieved by an act or omission of the State has the right to demand the repair of the damages caused. The Supreme Court of Justice has maintained clear guidelines on lawsuits against state companies that act as economic agents, limiting liability only to cases in which the law is violated or any obligation is breached. That is why authorized voices have questioned that the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice admitted a claim against the National Bank of Panama, in relation to its participation in a mercantile trust for a notorious commercial center. In view of what has been done, it is up to society to be vigilant about the actions of the magistrates of the Third Chamber of the Administrative Contentious Court. It is a case in which a distorted ruling would be, at the same time, a sentence to the interests of the country and the stability of the Panamanian financial system. Jurisprudence must prevail today more than ever-LA PRENSA, Feb.14