OPINION: Hope for Panama farmers

The Panamanian agricultural sector has faced a quarter of a century of uncertainty and instability due to public policies, which combined with environmental factors, low productivity and the asymmetry of marketing and distribution, have managed to push this segment of the economy int a corner.

In what appears to be the light at the end of the tunnel, last Wednesday’s presidential debate not only focused the country’s attention on the important issues affecting the agricultural sector but was accompanied by a 25-page commitment that was signed by the seven presidential candidates, and that includes the aspiration of 30 representative organizations of the sector, so that it becomes a roadmap for the next government.

Without agricultural profitability, rural employment and food security are questioned. Further, no country can be sovereign or guarantee its development if it is not assured of a balanced diet for its population. It seems that finally, the political class has understood that you cannot govern by ignoring its reality, and waiting for imports to solve everything. Congratulations fpr,the signing of this commitment


The Panamanian agricultural sector has faced a quarter of a century of uncertainty and instability due to public policies, which combined with environmental factors, low productivity and the asymmetry of marketing and distribution, have managed to push this segment of the economy int a corner.

In what appears to be the light at the end of the tunnel, last Wednesday’s presidential debate not only focused the country’s attention on the important issues affecting the agricultural sector but was accompanied by a 25-page commitment that was signed by the seven presidential candidates, and that includes the aspiration of 30 representative organizations of the sector, so that it becomes a roadmap for the next government.

Without agricultural profitability, rural employment and food security are questioned. Further, no country can be sovereign or guarantee its development if it is not assured of a balanced diet for its population. It seems that finally, the political class has understood that you cannot govern by ignoring its reality, and waiting for imports to solve everything. Congratulations on the signing of this commitment. LA PRENSA,Mar.15