OPINION: Wiretap ruling- cancer of impunity

Upon hearing the dishonorable ruling, a mob in the vicinity of Plaza Ágora cornered prosecutors, journalists and wiretap victims. This happened at the time that the powerful knight went on his triumphant journey, showing us what he is capable of doing. Decent Panama must stand up and raise its voice to change this reality and face international discredit at what happened yesterday. Now fear and silence will try to take over the efforts of all those who at one time denounced or considered denouncing corruption. This has been achieved by a justice system that, in an exercise of rejection of decency and common sense, made the decision that yesterday communicated to the country. Citizens must demand that the Judiciary be held accountable for this and other recent decisions that accentuate the cancer of impunity that ruthlessly eats our society. We cannot allow victims to be defenseless. Now we Panamanians have the task of re-founding the country, understanding that no one can be above the law and that justice with price, even if it comes within the finest briefcases, is an eternal curse. –LA PRENSA Aug.10