OPINION: Panama justice a bad joke

While in Panama justice is still being debated in continuing the investigations of the Odebrecht case, in the rest of Latin America the research is deepened, increasing the number of people and companies involved in the mega scandal. Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil keep the investigations open, while here the authorities seem more interested in burying the theft of our resources  than taking the culprits to jail and getting the money back.

We Panamanians deserve to know what happened, who participated, how much they stole, but some insist on keeping a veil of impunity that makes that unattainable. The purest betrayal of the country, its duties, its fellow citizens. And if your position is to appeal to oblivion, there will be no recourse, argument or proof that serves to open your eyes, because, they have decided to close them. They ignore the damage they will add to the country, where justice has become a bad joke, an offensive cartoon, defended only by those who prefer impunity. If Odebrecht runs the fate of so many other scandals, we will have failed as a society and as a democracy.- LA PRENSA. Sep.23.