OPINION: Supreme Court fosters impunity

Slowly, drop by drop, as if it were an old pipe, the Supreme Court of Justice is declining to the Public Ministry, the cases of some deputies from the past period who lost their seats. It seems an arbitrary exercise, in which some politicians continue to maintain a friendly guardianship of the Court, while others are referred with unusual speed, to ordinary justice. This judicial behavior suggests that the payroll case is dying on the magistrates’ podiums, which neither can nor want to process the network of corrupt and powerful gentlemen and ladies who govern our policy. It remains in mystery, why our highest court retains the case files of a former president and former deputy of the Central American Parliament if almost a year ago they declined all their competence over this citizen. Thus, the days are transformed into weeks, these become months, and finally the years of proceedings pass, long hopes that finally only lead to the path of judicial default, and to the most disguised impunity. What kind of  country does the Supreme Court want to make us? LA PRENSA, Oct. 15