OPINION: A constitutional nightmare to defend impunity

The Constituent Assembly elected in 1945 established in article 4 of the 1946 Political Constitution that: “The Republic of Panama complies with the norms of International Law” . That principle was neither gratuitous nor craving. It was the result of awareness in the face of fascist dictatorships, the Holocaust and other atrocities that made the constituents understand that for the survival of a rule of law we needed to obey international norms. Now, in this premature stage of consideration of constitutional reforms, it seeks to modify article 4 with a nefarious epilogue: “… however, the supremacy of national law is recognized”.

The proponents of this beauty will have their particular reasons to aspire to Panama becoming a country of outlaws and overturn the pyramid of the jurist Hans Kelsen, who placed international law above the national and is the theoretical foundation of the study of law in Latin America and Western Europe.

The conception of the deputies can only hide the dark poison of those who believe that there is a gender ideology that will be imposed by international agencies, or there is a national blood to defend and an inalienable right to impunity. Hopefully, we wake up and it’s just a nightmare – LA PRENSA, Oct 20