OPINION: Panama’s Justice Black Market  

The detailed plot in the pages of this medium [La Prensa] in the case of the Cooperative of Multiple Services “San Antonio”, RL (Cacsa) reveals that there is a black market of rulings that can be easily purchased with the appropriate “contacts”.

 There is no doubt that a scenario had been orchestrated to promote corruption among magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice. They can deny it, they can complain and they can disregard it but the evidence is in sight and only fools continue to claim that there is no trade-in sentences handed down by our top judges.

 And this is not the only case in which we talk about buying decisions. Magistrates have lost their visas to the United States since that country has withdrawn alleging corruption.

 In Spain, a lawyer spoke openly about how he has bought rulings in Panama or the complaint of a Chilean businessman who alleged the same accusations.

 It is not, therefore, a conspiracy against the Judicial Branch, its judges or magistrates. On the contrary, it is a conspiracy – perpetrated daily – against justice, in which many judges have turned their offices into an auction position.- LA PRENSA,Oct.24