OPINION – Credibility on the line

The need to modernize the infrastructure of the main cities of the country, as well as the aspiration to recover the urban landscape, drove the cable underground project in the banking area of ​​the capital and similar initiatives in the interior of the country. From the point of view of civil engineering, these efforts have an important level of complexity, since they must work in areas that are in permanent use by the population. Therefore, it is not surprising that the works have not been completed, that some of the contractors in charge have abandoned their respective projects and that the citizens are extremely upset by all this. Now, the Public Services Authority and one of the electric service concession companies revisit what has been done and commit to a new tender. It’s hard not to lose hope, but both ASEP and the other participants in this story already have experienced disappointing public opinion. The credibility of the government of President Cortizo is also measured by the result of works like this. Perhaps, now, the authorities understand the importance of concluding them– LA PRENSA, Feb. 25