Panama  dream beach another health risk


In the unknown dimension in which the Municipality of Panama lives, the citizen consultation that would take place today, on the artificial beach, was only canceled due to the real threat of the coronavirus. The amparo of constitutional guarantees filed by a former presidential candidate was not enough, nor was the act of the Municipal Council that ordered it, sufficient to suspend the event. The conclusion of this cancellation is that the mayor will continue with the consultation, when Panamanians overcome the health risk. There seems to be no explanation for the fact that there are 30 million dollars allocated to this project by the councilors of the capital district, without there having been a citizen consultation prior to such decision. The weeks of interruption for sanitary reasons should serve the mayor and his team to understand that the contamination of the Matasnillo River and the Bay of Panama are not suitable for any swimmer -with or without artificial beach-, and can be as serious as the Covid-19. The mayor and several councilors should use this time to meditate, and avoid waste and a headache for citizens. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 12