Influence peddlers rate above Panama scientists

While risking their lives and sacrificing their families, Panamanian scientists are fully dedicated to serving humanity, fighting Covid-19. The country receives international recognition for the transparency, dedication, and effort of these researchers. Panama is part of important studies to validate public health strategies, verify the effectiveness of treatments, and analyze the evolution of the virus. Despite this, the financing of scientific research is limited by myopic governments and by a National Assembly indifferent to the challenges of human development. Added to this offense is the insult that our scientists receive much less remuneration from the State than that awarded to a so-called influencer with little education. However, The greatest disrespect for this talent comes from the behavior of the irresponsible citizens who break the quarantine every day and those who take advantage of this crisis to negotiate. Even for them, these brains keep working. It is high time that everyone, without distinction, value science in Panama. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 29