White collar mafia in sea of corruption

The white-collar mafia, the one that looted the coffers of this country and that serves as an example to the new generations, is pleased. The new attorney general of the Nation, Eduardo Ulloa, has shown his letters. His bet has been in favor of impunity. In this sea of ​​corruption that suffocates us, the head of the Public Ministry has sent a clear message: a prosecutor who dares to confront this caste of corrupt people will be relieved of his post because the strategy is for the processes to fall. While decency regrets the withdrawal of two of the prosecutors who took their position to heart and courage, the beneficiaries of the bribes jump in this new round of unhealthy connections with power and daily blackmail. To the encyclopedia of homeland impunity will be added the new chapters, that of Blue Apple and Finmeccanica. LA PRENSA, May 26