Panama Heading to Social Catastrophe

In the offices of the Ministry of Labor there are thousands of complaints against employers who, taking advantage of the pandemic, have carried out irregular dismissals, presented resignations that were not such and even mutual agreements, which only bear the name, and whose content is far of a negotiated solution. This is just a postcard of the labor landscape that the country lives.

 77% of families with a minor have seen their income decrease significantly. This has been caused by the lack of a coherent policy of economic support during the pandemic and the absence of a strategy for the recovery of the country, leaving everyone to their fate.

This did not have to be the immediate result of the health crisis. Other countries, with fewer resources, stabilized the family income of their citizens, and appropriately distributed the bags and other supports. The government has let a health issue get out of hand, become an economic tragedy, and evolve on the way to a social catastrophe. This is the moment to understand that all the country’s living forces, including private companies and civil society, are part of the solution. Only then can there be a salvation.- LA PRENSA, Aug.2.