Trump is not alone,rancor and failed leadership in Panama

US President Donald Trump is going through his worst political moment, and he owes that to himself. He forgot to be the president of his entire country; he incited radical groups to prevent the recognition of who will replace him in office.

Although Trump enjoys the same freedom of expression as any citizen, his responsibilities when expressing himself carry greater weight, they can profoundly influence the decisions of his followers; cause irreparable damage to his country, democracy and the tranquility of the world.

 The leaders of a country should not call for hatred and radicalism. And that’s what he has done.

   He is not alone. Without going any further, in Panama those speeches of rancor and contempt – launched from the stands of the Panamanian Parliament – have found followers, followers willing to do whatever their leaders ask of them.

The President of Panama, along the same lines, has been asking us for months to respect the quarantine, but he admits that if he were to become infected with Covid-19, he would go out, as he was not made for confinement. After that, who will stay home? Perhaps it is the same freedom of expression, but it is definitely not the same when a president says it as a stranger. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 12