Panama’s kleptomaniac mayors


The latest news of the new mayor of the San Miguelito district is to have self-allocated thousands of dollars in mobilization expenses. It seems that the mayor, who runs the destinations of a district with numerous highly impoverished pockets and prisoners of common and organized crime – in the middle of the metropolitan area – needs to travel on commercial flights from one neighborhood to another to clear the green areas. That would be the only justification for such spending in a district of only 50 square kilometers. On top of the fact that his administration is that of a perfectly incompetent, now he has to be paid as if he were the mayor of New York. But Mr. Héctor Valdés Carrasquilla is not the only prodigious wonder. Like him, there are several other kleptomaniac mayors, taxpayers’ money rustlers, who use the figure of travel expenses to raid the municipal treasury. But nothing happens here. They steal from us, and we: “Good! Thanks and you?”. With this pandemic, which has impoverished the entire country, we have these parasites draining resources that could be used to save lives. But that money is surely to save their status and their parking lots. That’s how unscrupulous these leeches are. – LA PRENSA, Jan 13.