When politicians advocate and use violence


Deputy Mayín Correa, a fan of former President Ricardo Martinelli, has alluded to physical violence against journalists, arguing that in other countries conflicts with journalists are fixed by shooting, while in Panama, the former president only has the path of the civil courts to fight an “unclean” campaign against him.

 This is the second time that close associates of Martinelli have called for physical violence against the media and journalists, since one of his defense attorneys, Roniel Ortiz, did it months ago. It is an escalation since Martinelli himself has been the protagonist of physical altercations, such as when months ago he attacked a journalist from Foco while trying to interview him, while, during his trial, he tried to beat one of the witnesses, in addition to the verbal violence that he and his lawyers continually use. We would have to wait for this violence against critics, media, and journalists on the part of Martinelli and his sheaf if this subject reaches the Presidency, with all the power that this implies. His absence of tolerance will endanger any citizen – whether a journalist or not – who wants to express his opinion about him and his government. Is that what we want from 2024? – LA PRENSA, Dec. 22.