President Cortizo – a guest in his own house

I wonder if the deputies know how to do something other than corregimientos, patron saint festivities, or appoint people to the government. They have nothing to offer; they are a burden that in many cases costs us much more money than a simple salary; they do not watch over the interests of their voters or those of the country; some have criminals named on their payroll; many do not know how to speak and even less write; the level of comprehension of what they read is that of a second-grader; They do not question what is wrong, but what harms their interests, and they are obedient messengers of the worst political, business and even criminal interests.

The President of the Republic seems to be a guest in his own house: he approves whatever tome the deputies send him; he keeps complicit silence in the face of the blatant theft of state resources; He doesn’t worry if drug traffickers work in his government, because nobody does anything to regulate the credentials to hold public office; know where and what aspiring public servants graduate from; if they have convictions for common crimes or crimes against the State. It seems that our ruler has the authority of a messenger.

Political parties have nothing to offer us, and that is a fact. I believe that if we don’t wake up by 2024, we will suffer the worst punishment since the invasion. And whoever wins the election, I frankly don’t know what they’re going to celebrate. We have the CSS on the verge of its complete collapse and this affects all workers and companies that pay fees, as well as retirees and pensioners, and will have to face the payment of large debts, money wasted and stolen in many cases. We will have lost the ability to maneuver and we will bitterly regret what comes our way, because we always wait until the last minute.

And when it comes to accountability for the rampage, everyone will be hiding or blaming each other. Nobody will be responsible or guilty of anything, because the State belongs to everyone… in terms of rights… and nobody’s… in terms of duties. But perhaps there is hope, although it will depend on who we elect in 2024. If the Panamanian people fall again with more of the same, well deserved we will have the lesson.

Although the times are not official, the truth is that we have already crossed the threshold of a long electoral campaign, although – as we all know – the majority of the elected officials in 2019 began their campaign a day after taking office. And, obviously, with money from the State, without the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office being aware of it. Let’s get ready for this long campaign, which will define whether we want a new and democratic Panama or continue with our self-destruction, fanned by politicians whose greatest talent is to profit economically from our misfortunes.-ROLANDO RODIGUEZ B. La Prensa.