The failure of social security dialogue
The dialogue for the Social Security Fund (CSS) is a resounding and complete failure. We witnessed how the government appointed a coordinator without any leadership, which allowed the dialogue to be paralyzed from day one and the members to engage in discussions of amazingly trivial issues.
That failure is corroborated by the one who until a few days ago was the deputy director of the CSS, who resigned due to the disappointment he suffered due to a dialogue without direction or purpose. Solutions for SSC in the short and medium term do not seem possible and it is a pity that he has not externalized everything that he thought and knew when he was in office. Something could have been done from within. However, his reasons reveal the enormous detachment of the ruling parties from the people, since their intentions to reach a solution to the gigantic problem that lies ahead is just an empty speech to try to make up a cowardly and incompetent government, whose sole purpose is to enrich a gang of politicians. The leaders of this administration have crossed their arms in the face of the imminent collapse of an institution that is the mainstay of thousands of retirees and pensioners. That’s how inept they are. – LA PRENSA, Mar 6.