Suspicions over Martinelli party ‘irregularity’ claims


The electoral process carried out by Ricardo Martinelli’s party – in which there are complaints of alleged irregularities – has aroused suspicions at a time when the boss of that group faces calls for trials in which he prefers not to be present, for which he uses of the electoral jurisdiction, a tool that allows him to be away from the courts of justice that has been of great benefit to him.

Political analysts are beginning to suspect that the denunciations of alleged acts against the election process this weekend in Realizing Goals is just a distraction, in order to extend the period of electoral jurisdiction, in this case, in favor of Martinelli, and thus delaying the legal proceedings in which he is involved. If this were so – that everything is part of a strategy – the electoral jurisdiction must be reviewed once again to avoid, precisely, this type of use, since it is increasingly delegitimized, and constitutes a clear abuse of justice, something that the Electoral Court should not allow, although lately it seems complicit in this type of use of jurisdiction. The least that these theses deserve is a thorough investigation, which clarifies what many think about what happened – LA PRENSA, Apr. 26