An Assembly brawl between thugs

When you take sides in politics, you have to accept that the price must be paid. And that is what is happening between the Executive and the National Assembly, where the winners of the last internal electoral contest of the PRD are taking a toll on those who did not support them. 

Those who lost are not saints, on the contrary, they shamelessly made use of their position in the Government to divert State resources in order to recruit supporters, for their customary clientelism. So what we will see in the National Assembly – where the winning side is – is not an act of accountability, although the deputies want to pass it off as such. It is, in fact, an act of revenge between factions, whose members disputed state funds for their partisan purposes. 

Patronage took over the Ifarhu, the Seed Capital program, Decentralization, and the State payroll to get the votes. Now, the losers are summoned to make them go through public scorn, ridicule them, and, above all, send them a clear message about who is really in charge in the government. In other words, summoning officials to the National Assembly is nothing more than a brawl between thugs. – LA PRENSA May, 26.