OPINION: No More Electoral Crime!


In a solemn act held yesterday, the Electoral Tribunal (TE) officially convened the 2024 elections to elect the President of the Republic, deputies, mayors, and corregimiento representatives. This is a fairly wide door, because, in some cases, there will be no shortage of opportunists who, under the protection of electoral privileges, will try to evade justice, a situation that the TE magistrates can put a definitive stop to if they are respectful of judicial processes against people who will seek that refuge through candidacies and internal and external electoral processes. We hope that the TE corrects the course and, at the same time, pays more attention to the issue of electoral patronage, both with private funds and especially with State funds. If the role of the TE is to guarantee the purity of the vote, their duty is to teach a lesson to those who, through vote trading, want to reach positions of popular election through this route. The TE and its dependencies cannot look the other way when the use of official resources to achieve these positions is evident. This is an attack against democracy, it is a fraud, the equivalent of a vulgar assault on power. No more buying of consciences; no more electoral crime. – LA PRENSA, Jun. 2.