Martinelli companies maneuvers risk banking center image

The banking maneuvers of companies belonging to the Martinelli family draw a lot of attention, given that, at least, irregularities are noted, something that will have to be investigated not only by the Superintendence of Banks of Panama but also by the General Directorate of Revenue, the Public Ministry and even the Financial Analysis Unit.

These types of operations are the ones that put the reputation of the banking center at risk, so it will be up to these authorities to review what, at least at this time, is something abnormal. In addition, there are those who wonder about the compliance personnel of the bank and the companies involved, since the procedures resorted to by Importadora Ricamar, SA –company name of the Super 99– and Inversiones Rapid Money, SA, that carries out the money remittance business (both from the Martinelli family group of companies) are not compatible with their respective commercial activities.

But, in addition, it is worth asking if the shareholders knew what was happening and, if so, did they receive any explanation that justified these actions? This case is the tip of the iceberg of what seems like a chain of events that deserve more than simple explanations from their authors.  – LA PRENSA, Jun. 7