OPINION: Party machinery behind “independent” candidates


 After revealing the number of people who support the candidacies for free candidacy, it is inevitable to suspect that behind these characters who aspire to the Presidency there is partisan machinery supporting them.

It means that the spirit of the law is disrespected since this figure was created as an alternative for the voter who does not want to support the candidates of the political parties. Those who lead the preferences with the most signatures almost all have a party behind them, including evangelical movements united to form a party with religious roots.

It is obvious that the electorate is seen in many cases as someone to flirt with trickery, starting with their own self-styled “independents”. And it is not that all those who make up a party are bad, but, Why publicly disassociate themselves from their respective groups, when deep down they continue to be dependent on them?

Fortunately, the Electoral Tribunal has made available to the population all the relevant information on how the collection of signatures from each candidate is progressing. Let everyone draw their own conclusions from it. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 30.