The insulting boldness of elected lawmakers


Official deputies – even supported by their opposition colleagues – presented an initiative that modifies the decentralization law in public administration. They seek to scoff at a Supreme Court ruling that eliminated double salaries for corregimiento representatives and mayors who received thousands of dollars a month without providing a service, for a job outside the functions for which they were elected.

Dissatisfied and in defiance of the ruling, the deputies intend to sponsor the scoundrel by facilitating once again the double salary, alleging that they would have to work in the position they obtained by popular vote and the one they held before being elected, as long as the schedule allows them to do so. That is, they would work two full days or 16 hours a day. If they want us to believe that cheeky politicians, lazy, incompetent and without conscience would make such a sacrifice, they are wrong. If they cannot fulfill a day, less with two. These cynics justify the double salary by indicating that the State must “create the necessary basic conditions so as not to cause salary deterioration [of mayors and representatives] and that they can offer their experiences and knowledge to their inhabitants, thus giving added value to their corregimientos and districts. ” Boldness is insulting.  – LA PRENSA, Aug. 8