ODEBRECHT: Live broadcast enables citizens to weigh  both sides


The development of the preliminary hearing of the Odebrecht case, which is broadcast live by the Judicial Branch, has allowed citizens from all over the country to see first-hand the two faces of this process: the one exposed by the Public Ministry and the arguments against which the defense attorneys outline. The judge in the case has been impartial and has given everyone a chance. That is why it is transcendental that Panamanians, in general, be able to see – without the intermediation of third parties – the arguments of both parties, and thus form their own opinion or judgment on the evidence that the prosecutors have provided against the almost fifty defendants in the case or, value the defense of the accused, who in some cases do not tire of repeating that the trial is only a “political persecution.” But, with the wealth of evidence, testimonies and confessions, this argument has absolutely no weight, but it is a conclusion that those who see or follow the development of this hearing must also reach. This trial is, without a doubt, historic, not only because of the high profile of many of the defendants but also because of the high amount of bribes collected and paid. Everyone has a chance to defend themselves against the accusations, while we viewers can draw our own conclusions. Hence, we insist, it is necessary to closely monitor this hearing. – LA PRENSA, Sep.26.