A  Ministry of Larceny and Corruption


 The depredation of State resources by politicians – of all parties – has become an institution. It is so solid that the Assembly should consider the creation of the Ministry of Larceny and Corruption; appoint their best thief and regulate the amount to be stolen, charged to the General State Budget.

The effort of these political gangsters to dispossess Panamanian society, which seems to be lying on a couch, watching how they rob it, is inconceivable. The Minister of Economy is controlled from a distance by the deputies, giving them whatever they ask for while they create laws to drain the funds that should be destined to improve the lives of citizens, but, instead, improve theirs and their families, as happens with Ifarhu funds. And to prevent a defeat, prepare to continue the robbery in mayors and community boards, guaranteeing millions from Decentralization and other patronage programs, such as the old PAN, which, like a Phoenix, has risen from its ashes. At the same time, they pass laws to legalize corruption or avoid punishment. Even morality will be stolen from us if we don’t wake up from this disgraceful opium dream. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 24.