When the governing party shoots the messenger


The self-criticism contained in the letter that former President Martín Torrijos released last Sunday, in which he exposes a series of political and national realities that rejects the current leadership of the party in power –the PRD–, marks what should be the beginning of a debate on the serious current and future problems of the country.

It is a self-criticism since Torrijos is a member –and not just any member– of the party that his father founded, but the PRD leaders reacted as they always do when faced with criticism: with arrogance and disqualification. It is clear then that they do not believe that there are problems in their party or in the country, because, far from debating, all they do is discredit the messenger, forgetting that, in any case, the message remains. But regardless of what the PRD leadership says, Torrijos’s words open another debate: whether or not he is going to the 2024 electoral contest and, if so, who would he go with, since it is evident that his fellow supporters in the CEN do not want it. In any case, the letter generates new electoral scenarios, in which it will be unavoidable to address the issue of alliances and the decisions that political parties must make in the face of current problems and those to come. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 24.