Homecoming of  convicted sons mocks Panama


The arrival in the country of the children of former President Ricardo Martinelli has been a complete mockery for the country. The authorities have not only helped them by allowing them –despite their history of frustrated escapes– to be released on bail, but yesterday they set up an entire theater to prevent at all costs the country from witnessing the arrival of these confessed criminals. This mockery of the Panamanian people and justice could well have been the trigger for Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States, to point him out for his participation “in acts of significant corruption”, something that local justice has not had the courage to do. . The pronouncement not only has a reading against former President Martinelli and his family. We must not forget those who facilitated all this theater with their children and everything that the former president has been able to do and achieve in recent years. It is hard to believe that the government has not been complicit in numerous misdeeds that have ridiculed the Panamanian people. And as the new Ambassador of the United States rightly says, “this will not be our last designation in Panama.” Here everyone will have to soak their fences, including the accomplices of each of their vile acts.  – LA PRENSA, Jan. 26.