Legislators paid for not appearing


If the government paid for productivity, most officials would literally earn pennies or perhaps a few dollars, since the country and its inhabitants are submerged in neglect; the promised projects have not been carried out and the little that they have been able to undertake is of really questionable quality. The deputies of the National Assembly are on this list of servers with questionable numbers. There are deputies who do not appear either by the work commissions or by the full legislature, dedicated to activities that have nothing to do with their constitutional function of legislating. This week, with the discussion of the project for extinction of ownership of illegal assets, something unheard of happened: the majority was in the Assembly compound, but they did not want to enter the plenary session and thus deliberately prevent the regulatory quorum. The internal regulations of the Assembly contemplate the deduction of salary for unjustified absences, but has it ever been applied to a deputy? If so, why isn’t this information made public? And the worst is yet to come since the vast majority are seeking votes to guarantee their re-election; others already have a guaranteed nomination and do not have to go to primary school but invest time accompanying the presidential candidate of their choice, and a few are seeking signatures for free nomination, even in the interior of the country. In short, we are going to pay them for a job that they neither do nor are interested in. – LA PRENSA, Apl. 30.